Hands of Grace


Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Isaiah 6:8

Our Disaster Relief Ministry, Hands of Grace, would like to send two teams to help the North Carolina and Georgia communities affected by this devasting hurricane. Where we go, and the number of teams we send depends on the total number of volunteers:

-If we only have enough volunteers for one team, we will go to North Carolina.
-If we have enough for two teams, we will send one team to North Carolina and the other to Georgia.

If you want to volunteer, please sign up at the Welcome Center after church. You can also contact the church office and ask to be added to the list. Joel Prell or Greg Hard will contact you to get you registered.

Additional Information


Vehicle Carpools

Type of Work

-The primary work we will be doing is outside and inside cleanup (but additional work may be requested)-We will assign work to each person as they are able and gifted.-We will also be spending time with the victims of the hurricane to pray with them


MNA (Mission to North America) will provide the accommodations. More details will be provided soon.

Hurricane Relief Fund

We are also accepting monetary donations for the Hurricane Relief Fund. The money we collect will be distributed directly to the families we will be helping and to their communities.