A small group of people meet regularly to grow deeper in their relationship with one another and with Christ. Each group is held in the relaxed atmosphere of someone’s home. Various study topics are introduced each fall.
More Information about Small GroupsWOMEN'S MINISTRY
Women’s ministry is designed to equip women to grow, serve, and have fellowship with one another. Fellowship and growth opportunities are available through Bible Studies, ladies’ Sunday School classes, teas, luncheons, retreats, and more.
More Information about Women's MinistryMEN'S MINISTRY
Men of Grace equips men to build authentic relationships and serve others in a Christ-like manner. They meet together for monthly breakfasts, small group studies, golf outings, conferences, retreats, and more.
More Information about Men's MinistryPRAYER MINISTRY
This ministry seeks to care for our church body by praying for one another. Prayer requests are submitted to the church office and shared with those committed to praying for the needs requested. Prayers are shared regularly through email or, in an emergency, through our automated phone message system. Our weekly Sunday morning worship program also includes a time of prayer for one another.
ACE classes are offered at 9:15 am before the worship service. Several classes covering a variety of topics are available each quarter. Each year in the fall, a class called COG Foundations is offered. This class is a pre-requisite for church membership and a great way to find out more about Covenant of Grace!
More Information about ACEWIDOW'S MINISTRY
Deacons organize this ministry that provides assistance for widows in our church with such things as simple home repairs, yard work, financial advice, transportation, or other minor needs as they arise.
These 4 specialized teams of musicians perform weekly year round, leading in worship. The music performed by these skilled vocalists and musicians is reflective of the more contemporary music of our day and adds another dimension to our blended worship style.