Covenant of Grace will follow the below policy in the event of inclement weather:
1. If the snow has finished falling, and the roads and our parking lot are plowed, we will expect to have Sunday Morning services.
2. In the case of a forecast of freezing rain and/or freezing drizzle at the time we may be traveling to or from COG, we will probably cancel if there is an 80% or higher prediction from two weather bureaus for Reisterstown.
3. If inclement weather occurs during Sunday School or the worship service and is forecast to continue, it is possible that all activities could be cancelled immediately. If this occurs, everyone on the premises will be notified and our website and answering machine will be updated with the information as soon as possible.
4. If services are cancelled, all activities are also cancelled unless specified.
Please note that we do not know the particular weather conditions in your area, so please use wisdom as you consider what is safe for you and your family.
We will use the following methods to communicate cancellation of services:
1. We will place the cancellation on the homepage of this website, on our Facebook page, on Instagram, and an automated One-Call by 8:00 a.m. if possible.
2. We will broadcast an alert on email to everyone who has provide their email address and has asked to receive email announcements.
3. We will have the message on the answering machine at the church office (410-833-2160).