
Foreign and Domestic Ministries

Focus in Missions

We are committed to prepare and send our members to fulfill the Great Commission in our family, community and world. We will proclaim the Gospel in word and deed, helping people understand their need for a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Ministry to Our Community


Our ESOL ministry provides adults whose primary language is not English with basic conversational speaking skills. Instruction is provided by trained volunteers. ESOL meets weekly September – December and March – May.

For More Information on ESOL


Our First Responders ministry seeks to reach out to Baltimore County Police and Fire Departments at our local Franklin Station by offering support through prayer, friendship, and sharing the love of Christ with our first Responder neighbors.


Annually in the fall, we have a clothing giveaway for the community.  Clothing items for adults and children are collected the month beforehand and then sorted for anyone to take what they need.  Some years we partner with community businesses and services to have a fun family event to go along with it such as touch-a-truck.


We collect and donated items for area homeless shelters and pregnancy centers.


Our Mercy Needs ministry assists those in our church and community with financial needs through the Deacon’s Fund. The Mercy Needs Team meets regularly to prayerfully consider requests and consult our guidelines.

Widow's Ministry

A chance for the church body to come alongside those widows that need some help specifically with home maintenance projects and yardwork.  These projects are led by our Deacons.  We welcome anyone to join us once or come monthly.  The work happens on the 2nd Saturdays March-November.

For More Information

Alpha Pregnancy Center

Alpha offers support to women in crisis pregnancy here in Reisterstown and is one of our local supported missions.  Once a year we conduct a Baby Bottle Fundraising campaign.


Ministry to the Nation


Covenant of Grace sends volunteer teams called "Hands of Grace" to assist with Disaster Response coordinated through the PCA’s Mission to North America.

Disaster Relief

We help support and encourage over 10 organizations/individuals who minister locally and throughout the U.S.

Ministry to the World


Through our involvement in Missions to the World (MTW) and other organizations, we support and encourage missionary families in over 10 countries around the world.


Each year our congregation collects and prepares shoe boxes full of assorted gifts for children to be delivered throughout the world by Operation Christmas Child.

Ways to Serve

PCA Missions

Mission to the World is the mission sending agency of the PCA helping to fulfill the Great Commission by advancing Reformed and covenantal church-planting movements through word and deed in strategic areas worldwide

MTW website

Mission to North America serves PCA churches and presbyteries as they advance God’s Kingdom in North America by planting, growing, and multiplying Biblically healthy churches through the development of intentional evangelism and outreach ministries.

MNA website

Reformed University Fellowship seeks to communicate the gospel by sending ordained PCA ministers to serve on the college campus, to equip students to live all of live under the Lordship of Christ.

RUF website